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Ease the Pressure
on Pastoral Teams.

Empower Students. Elevate Wellbeing.

The digital pastoral hub for schools and colleges that helps students and staff flourish together.  

youHQ mood emoji tracker, interface, and wellbeing data graphs
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Global student users


Low mood alerts


Goals completed


Safeguarding check-ins

Enhance personal development, track and monitor wellbeing, and capture student voice for outstanding pastoral care

youHQ superhero icon

Reduce Risk

Create a supportive and proactive strategy towards positive mental health. Our evidence-based questionnaires detect issues before they occur, supported by our smart safeguarding integrations

Save time with youHQ

Save Time

Analyse, organise and view wellbeing data within seconds. Automatic low mood notifications and in-app support messaging allow for earlier, faster interventions

youHQ nurturing relationships icon

Connect Better

Understand your students like never before. youHQ creates a safe, secure and welcoming virtual environment for young people to reach out to their trusted adults

youHQ wellbeing rocket icon

Inspire Purpose

Empower pupils to reflect on their lives beyond the classroom. Build agency, develop character, and focus on values with youHQ's signposted resources and goalsetting tools. 

Trusted by over 75,000 students and teachers

What are educators saying about us?

Improve Pastoral Care with the youHQ 'APPIA' model



Capture student voice to understand mood and wellbeing



Enhance long-term resilience and healthy self-care strategies


Positive Habits

Encourage and reward pupils in the exploration of personal values



Identify 'red flags' from individual level to whole-school view



Stay informed and aware with an 'integrated safeguarding' approach

Key Features

Real-time actionable insights through wellbeing and mood trackers

youHQ employs a diverse range of tools to monitor wellbeing and mental health. These include renowned assessments like the WHO-5 questionnaire, as well as our emoji mood tracker and custom-developed personal development survey. In utilising a clever blend of mood trackers, youHQ ensures an effective and data-driven strategy to understanding youth mental health in schools.

Whole school wellbeing assessment via the youHQ teacher and staff admin panel

A personalised approach to engaging, holistic student development

youHQ cleverly links your students' current and common mood, emotions and wellbeing data with video, audio, worksheets and online courses.


Covering a range of PSHE, SMSC, and SEL topics, you can rest assured that our carefully curated, dynamic library will empower, inspire, and grow with your pupils over time.

Pupils collecting GOALd to promote their passions and personal development
Real-time insights into school wellbeing, student mood and pupil personal development with youHQ

Whole-school assessment in just a few clicks

The youHQ admin panel is a powerful centralised hub, designed to help school staff oversee survey results, low mood attributors, and student goals. Nominated staff can filter via student, class, year group, and whole-school views, building a detailed illustration of pupil wellbeing. The snapshot reporting functionality offers user-friendly interpretation of data and important trends.

Engaging resources via the youHQ student learning hub

Earn while you learn

Designed to motivate and incentivise students, GOALd can be earned through completing activities, check-ins, and personal goals.


Students can then use their GOALd to unlock rewards and personalise their dashboard, fostering a positive and engaging experience on their wellbeing journey.

"At a glance, I am able to look at every possible angle of the school and see intuitively how the mood is across the board"

Jordan, Data Systems Manager, Leighton Park Secondary School

Feedback That Reflects Our Impact

The best wellbeing tracking platform of all the different ones we trialled and interviewed. I would recommend [youHQ] wholeheartedly...

Natalie Herbert
Assistant Principal, Hartland International School

Our students have shown a keen interest in the platform, engaging with it in ways we hadn’t anticipated. It has empowered them to take ownership...

Emily Hobson
Primary National Lead for Strategy and Innovation, Oasis Community Learning

I used it [youHQ dashboard insights] with our Ofsted a few months back [...] and they said that professional curiosity, linked with...

Katie Anelli
SEMH Officer & DDSL, Casterton College

Safeguarding Partners

To truly get the best out of students, to motivate, enthuse and inspire, our primary goal will always be their safety and security. That’s why we’ve partnered with the UK’s leading safeguarding companies.

CPOMS Raptor
the safeguarding company

Claim Your Free School Wellbeing Report

Understand the mood and wellbeing of your whole class or year in an instance

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